Thursday, November 18, 2010

 Today we (Heidi, Kelly, Rich, Mom, Dad, Shawn, and me) went to the temple to do some baptisms for our ancestors, including Viki, Grandpa (Burge), and his brother Hague. It was a wonderful experience. I know that Grandpa has been waiting for a long time to have his work done for him. I was baptized for Viki and I hope she too is happy. I believe she is.

We went to eat all together after the temple. We went to Houstons and Dad spilled something on his shirt so Shawn showed him the button hole on the napkin for people to button the napkin to their shirt and wear it like a bib. So then this happened...

Dad: Well gosh, they never said anything. Why didn't anyone tell me?
Kelly: If you're so white trash that they have to tell you those things, then you shouldn't be eating at a restaurant like this.

We all started cracking up. We consider ourselves high class white trash... since we bowl and all :-)

 Later, in the car on the way home, Kelly was talking about how the orthodontist is gonna take off Grace's braces and give her a retainer next time. She asked them if they were gonna give her the kind that is stuck in her mouth and they said no. Well, Kelly doesn't like the idea of that because Grace loses EVERYTHING. Anybody who knows Grace would not give her a retainer because they know she would lose it. So this is what went down...

Kelly: It's only gonna come out of her mouth once before she loses it.

Me: why can't they cement it in?

Kelly: they can for the bottom but not for the top.

Me: why not?

Kelly: they said it was child abuse. I told them to just child abuse her.

Me: why's it child abuse?

Kelly: I dunno. Its stupid... 'cause she wouldn't be able to eat or something. Who cares! Give it to her.
And  then we laughed... and couldn't stop. 

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